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2020 EDAA Winter Conference

January 27- 29, 2020  Montgomery, AL

Register early and save!!

Early Bird registration expires December 16, 2019

2020 Winter Conference Agenda

2020 EDAA Rural Development Conference

January 29 – 30, 2020

Rural Conference Agenda

Hotel Reservations at Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa at the Convention Center

Click here to book your room with the group rate online or call the number listed below. Identify yourself as being a member of the EDAA Conference. Reservations must be made by December 26, 2019, to receive conference rate. Room rates are $149.00 per night.


There are two ways to register for the 2020 EDAA Winter Conference
1) Online at www.edaa.org
2) By mail (form) to EDAA, 2 North Jackson Street, Suite 302, Montgomery, AL 36104.

Please complete the registration form and include your credit card information or check made payable to EDAA. You will receive registration confirmation via email.


• Payment MUST accompany registration form

• EDAA offers no partial or daily registrations

• EDAA reserves the right to limit or restrict registration

• Registration must be received no later than January 17, 2020.


Cancellation deadline is January 17, 2020. In order to obtain a refund, all cancellations must be received in writing at the EDAA office. Refund policy is as follows: Cancellation notices received by January 17, 2020 will receive a full refund less an administrative fee of $50. Any registrant who does not submit cancellation correspondence by January 17, 2020 will be required to pay the balance in full. Registrants may substitute attendees without penalty upon notification, however, appropriate member/non-member rates will apply to substitute attendees. EDAA is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail.

Member and non-member registration fees include: all conference sessions, all meals, receptions and breaks. You must register for the 2020 Winter Conference in order to register for the Rural Conference.

Spouse/Guest registration fees do not include conference sessions, breakfast, lunch or breaks throughout the conference.
Spouse/Guest registration fees have been established solely for a spouse or significant other who accompanies the primary member registrant. This fee will not be honored for co-workers or industry associates.


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